“The education of even a small child… does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.”

-Maria Montessori


Montessori Early Education

2 1/2 - 5 years

About Shamrock Montessori Center

Shamrock Montessori Center has been serving the community since 1985. We provide early childhood education for ages 2 1/2 - 5. Our teacher is a certified (AMI) Primary Montessori Guide passionate about her work with children. She has been in a Montessori classroom since 2013 and teaching since 2016.

It’s vital to Montessori that the adults are guides who provide a prepared environment to allow the children to explore their interests to gain independence and confidence within themselves.


Maria Montessori

In 1907 Maria Montessori started the first classroom, Casa De Bambini. In that space she created an environment for children that encouraged each child to develop to their fullest potential. She discovered how to connect with and respect the child. She spent her life studying, observing, experimenting with children to learn how they grow and develop over those formative early years. She used her time to pass on her knowledge to everyone who she could reach at a global scale. She discovered so much about child development and the potential of the absorbent mind during those early years from birth to six years old. Her main points were to create an environment that gave children hands - on experiences, child sized furniture and tools, and a trained adult to guide the children in their learning and development.